Different Faces Of Volcanoes

Volcanoes are divided depending on the degree of volcanic activity to those acting, that sleep and extinct. By the active volcano it is customary to assume the volcano, which was erupted in the historical period of time or in Holocene. Concept active sufficiently inaccurate, since the volcano, which has acting fumaroles, some scientists carries to the active, and some to the extinct. Latent are considered the inoperative volcanoes, on which are possible the eruptions, and extinct - during which they are improbable.

1) [Erta] To [ale] - active shield volcano, located in Afar, on the northeast of Ethiopia. This the most active of the volcanoes of Ethiopia. [Erta] To [ale] reaches 613 meters, with the lake of lava at the apex. It is located in the low place Of [danakil], the desert region On the Border with eritrea.

2) Explosive crater - maar, the consequence of explosion and phreatic volcanic eruption Of [dallol] in 1926. The volcano Of [dallol] it is located in North Ethiopia, in one of the hottest places of the planet (average annual temperature - +34°C). Lowest of the known ground-based volcanoes - 45 meters under sea level. Yellow - native sulfur, brown - the oxides of iron.

3) Flow of [pakhoekhoe]. Several sleeves from the main flow are visible on the picture. It is taken from the helicopter.

4) The volcanoes, which act along the oceanic ridges (including Hawaiian), will erupt the material of predominantly basaltic composition, for example, - [AA]- lava.

5) [Tanna] island is located in the southern part of the archipelago the new Hebrides, in Pacific Ocean, approximately in 1100 km to the northeast of Australia. From the eastern side the island washes by Pacific Ocean, from the other sides - coral sea. The length of island is 40 km, width - 19 km the total area of 555 km ². Highest point of island - mountain Of [tukosmera] (1 084 m). [Tanna] has volcanic origin and is located in the zone of the high volcanic activity, where Pacific Ocean and Australian lithospheric plates encounter. The volcano Of [yasour], located on the southeastern coast of island, is the most accessible in the world active volcano.

6) [Pakhoekhoe] - this is the Hawaiian name of the weakly-viscous flow of hot lava, as a rule basaltic composition. These flows are characterized by the fact that the thin crust on them, without having had time finally to thicken, is deformed by the incandescent material moving under it. Because of this surface flow is deformed, acquiring the typical whimsical forms (fold, inflation, and the like) the height of fountain of approximately 10 meters.

7) Frequently it is, that the lava not of [techet] is simple over the surface, but [techet] along the so-called pipes. Lava on surface flow cools and forms crust, while under it flow it continues leak. In some places in this crust the breakings, which are called windows, occur. It is possible to approach the nim (2-3 meters, not nearer) and to see the high-velocity flow of the red [raskalennoy] lava below. It is more than 15-20 seconds cannot be maintained: the heat of [zhzhet] face and eye. The temperature of lava under the crust composes approximately 1200°C

8) Frequently it is, that the lava not of [techet] is simple over the surface, but [techet] along the so-called pipes. Lava on surface flow cools and forms crust, while under it the flow of [ostaetsya] liquid and hot. In some places in this crust the breakings, which are called windows, occur. It is possible to approach the nim (2-3 meters, not nearer) and to see the high-velocity flow of the red [raskalennoy] lava below. It is more than 15-20 seconds cannot be maintained: [zhzhet] face and eye. The temperature of lava under the crust composes approximately 1200°C

9) [Kilauea] (in the transfer from the Hawaiian - “vomiting, strongly extending”) - active shield volcano on Hawaii island. Height of the volcano of above sea level 1247 meters. It is located next to much the higher of Mauna Loa. One of the most active active volcanoes on the Earth. This is the youngest volcano on the large island Of [gavaev]. Eruption began in 1983 and it continues at the apex of the cone. Lava, [izvergayas] from the cone, [techet] downward along the slope so that through several kilometers to reach ocean. Form from the helicopter.

10) Mud mixed with the oil, reaching apex, forms the [bulkayushchuyu] funnel, which is called mud volcano. Mud, which forms volcano, cold and is considered therapeutic. It adapts for treating the skin diseases. Mud volcano. [Gobustan], Azerbaijan

11) [Shiveluch] - one of the large and the most active among the volcanoes of the peninsula Kamchatka, which enter into the tectonic active “fiery ring”, which surrounds almost entire Pacific Ocean and is characterized by frequent eruptions and earthquakes. According to the estimations of scientists, the age of volcano is 65000 years.a

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